In 2016 we launched the current PER recording tool, MyExperience, and introduced the requirement to get time towards the PER signed off by an employer. If trainees had any time recorded in the old PER tool then it was transferred to the current recording tool as ‘import approved’ time. Trainees were not required to get ‘import approved’ time signed off.
As the accountancy profession is fast moving, ACCA strongly recommend that any relevant work experience used to meet the practical experience requirement is achieved within the past five years.
All ‘import approved’ time is now over five years old, therefore, to ensure the rigour of the PER we have introduced the requirement to have ‘import approved’ time signed off by the employer it was gained with, in line with the existing time requirement.
If a trainee wished to apply for membership using any ‘import approved’ time, then they had to apply for and be admitted to membership by 24 August 2023. After this date if a trainee wants to use ‘import approved time’ towards their PER then they will need to get the time signed off by the employer it was gained with. All active trainees with 'import approved' time on their PER record were notified about this change via email on 24 July 2023.