Becoming a member.

When you become an ACCA member you can proudly display the ACCA letters after your name. The ACCA designation is an instantly recognisable badge across all sectors and in organisations of every shape and size

It demonstrates that you have completed the ACCA Qualification exams, ACCA’s Practical Experience Requirement (PER) and the Ethics and Professional Skills module and:

  • sets you apart as a qualified accountant and shows your commitment to high ethical and professional values and to lifelong learning
  • gives you the opportunity to choose where you work – in any sector, anywhere in the world
  • increases your employability because employers recognise the value that the ACCA Qualification brings to their business
  • keeps you at the top of the profession.

Becoming a member of ACCA is the reward for dedication, study and developing a way of working that upholds the highest ethical standards, highlights critical thinking and technical skills. Our members have:

  • passed all the necessary exams
  • satisfied our practical experience requirements
  • completed the ACCA ethics module.

Our members pay an admission fee to become a member and subscription fees every year after they qualify.

So take a minute and watch this video to remind you why you’ll have earned ACCA membership when you are ready.