Policy and insights report
Quality learning and development (L&D) equips our professional accountants to better serve their purpose, to be sustainable business and finance professionals that business and society demand them to be.
However, the learner population is growing, becoming more diverse, and with this requesting tailored learning and development interventions that many of the latest educational innovations support. To capture this opportunity, educators must proactively take ownership for their destiny, if not learners will look elsewhere, and whilst the demand for education is growing so is the competition.
This insight report drawing from the views of over 800 learners and L&D experts will help future members, members and especially their educators identify features and qualities of good L&D, which ACCA have termed the dimensions. These dimensions take account of the drivers for L&D evolution, including how to:
- Develop the seven core capabilities were identified by ACCA’s research Professional Accountants at the Heart of Sustainable Organisations and are essential for the varied roles professional accountants perform
- Incorporate the learner characteristics and needs that are becoming more diverse, in part due to the need for lifelong learning necessary for ever-evolving skills requirements and longer working lives
- Accommodate the educational trends associated with
- data, digital including AI and gamification
- personalisation, communities and personalised communities
- formal, non-formal and informal learning
- Account for the main factors impacting the education business model
- Digital and data innovations
- Economic opportunities
- Regulation impacting education and the profession
- Integrated economic, social and financial sustainability
Key recommendations
Learners should seek the six dimensions in their L&D programmes and educators should apply them when developing, implementing and monitoring their strategies.