Find an ACCA accountancy firm

Search for ACCA accountancy firms by location and firm name

United States


Please note that not every firm in this online directory is regulated by ACCA. All firms that contain at least one ACCA member who is a principal are shown in this directory but the firm may be regulated by another accountancy body. In addition, this directory only lists the ACCA principals in each firm (non-ACCA principals are not listed).

You can use this directory to find out if the firm is regulated by ACCA for audit or investment business (UK) or is wholly composed of Chartered Certified Accountants. When your search results appear on screen please refer to the ‘Certificates held’ category for the firm to check if it meets these criteria.

To find out more about the certificate types, please visit our 'Certificates explained'.

If a firm does not show as being regulated by ACCA for audit or investment business (UK) or wholly composed of Chartered Certified Accountants and you want to check if it is regulated by ACCA please contact