Students' general FAQS.

Can I obtain a letter confirming I am a registered student?

You will receive notification of your student status as soon as your registration application has been processed. If you require confirmation of your status at a later date please contact ACCA Connect who will be able to assist you.

What exam certificates are awarded for the ACCA Qualification?

Students are awarded:

Certificate of Achievement
Students are awarded a Certificate of Achievement if they achieve a pass mark of 85 per cent or above for individual passes in Business and Technology (BT), Management Accounting (MA) and Financial Accounting (FA) from June 2011 onwards and Corporate and Business Law (LW) from June 2015 onwards.

ACCA Diploma in Accounting and Business (RQF Level 4)
Students are awarded the ACCA Diploma in Accounting and Business (RQF Level 4) when they have successfully completed Business and Technology (BT), Management Accounting (MA) and Financial Accounting (FA) (at least one of which must have been sat and passed), plus completion of Foundations in Professionalism. Students who obtain full exemptions will not be awarded the Certificate.

Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business
Students are awarded the Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business when they have successfully completed the Applied Skills exams (at least two passes are required, one of which must have been sat on or after 1st June 2011), plus completion of the ethics and Professional Skills module. Students who obtain full exemptions will not be awarded the Certificate.

Strategic Professional Certificate
Students are awarded a Strategic Professional Certificate when they have successfully completed all of the Essentials exams of the ACCA Qualification (Strategic Business Leader (SBL), and Strategic Business Reporting (SBR)) and any two of the Options exams from Advanced Financial Management (AFM), Advanced Performance Management (APM), Advanced Taxation (ATX) and Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA).

What is the seven year rule?

The rule means you have seven years to complete Strategic Professional once you pass your first Strategic Professional exam. If you don’t pass all the Strategic Professional exams and reach affiliate status within seven years, you’ll lose any Strategic Professional passes achieved after seven years. These will need to be re-taken for you to be able to complete the exams component of the ACCA Qualification.

What services are offered through myACCA?

There are a host of services and information available through myACCA, including:

  • Chart your progress towards achieving the ACCA Qualification.
  • Enter for examinations.
  • Amend an existing exam entry.
  • View examination timetable and results.
  • Download dockets.
  • Download certificates.
  • Record your experience by accessing and updating My Experience record.
  • Access the Professional Ethics and the Foundations in Professionalism modules.
  • Update your personal and/or employment details.
  • Make a payment.
  • Access a dedicated study area.
  • Career services.
  • View your Oxford Brookes status.
  • Latest news.
  • ACCA.TV.

I am an ACCA Affiliate, can I use the ACCA letters after my name?

You may refer to yourself as having ACCA affiliate status but may not use the designatory letters after your name or refer to yourself as an ACCA member in any context. Affiliates who do so may be liable to disciplinary action.

This is important to safeguard the reputation of ACCA and its members.

How do I get my ACCA qualifications attested?

If you are outside the UK and want to have your ACCA certificates attested by the British Council and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), you should:

  1. Submit your qualification certificate to your local British Council office for attestation.

  2. Once the documentation is received back from British Council it then needs to be sent to the FCO. When the attested certificate is sent to the FCO it must be accompanied by a letter from ACCA regarding the validity of the certificate. Contact us to request this letter.

  3. Full details of the FCO process, application form, fees and expected turnaround times can be found at or contact:
    The Legalisation Office
    Foreign and Commonwealth Office
    Hanslope Park
    Milton Keynes
    MK19 7BH
    United Kingdom
    Telephone: +44 (0) 3700 00 22 44

  4. Once the documents are received back from the FCO they are then ready to use as appropriate e.g. forwarding to a relevant country embassy/authority/attaché in the UK for their checks.



How will ACCA communicate with me?

ACCA’s preferred way of communicating with you is through myACCA and email, and we are now moving all our customers to these methods. ACCA reserves the right to issue all communications and documentation via myACCA and email only, so please ensure your contact details are kept up-to-date.

How do I re-register?

There are two methods by which you can resume your studies.

The quickest way to re-register is to contact ACCA Connect and make payment over the phone; this will allow you to be re-registered instantly.

Alternatively, you can complete a re-registration application form and return it to ACCA by post or fax - please be advised that we cannot accept an email version of this form for payment security reasons. Your application will be processed within 10 working days upon receipt of the completed form and supporting documents. Download a re-registration form here

You will need to pay a fee to re-register, which will be the same as the initial registration fee and any fees that were outstanding when you left the register.  Unfortunately if your account is suspended, you will be unable to make an online payment through myACCA.

Whether you are applying for re-registration by submitting the re-registration form or by phoning ACCA Connect, you will be required to supply your previous ACCA registration number.

If you are resident in a country where ACCA works in partnership with a local accountancy body, and operates as part of a Joint Examination Scheme or Joint Pathway Programme, you must first re-register with your local accountancy body. Find out more about re-registration here

Please see the Related Links at the top left of this page for the link to contact ACCA Connect.