The purpose of EPSM FAQs
Why do we have the Ethics and Professional Skills module (EPSM)?
Finance professionals need to demonstrate that they understand and can apply ethical and professional behaviour in real-world work situations. EPSM helps you develop these practical real-world skills so you can make an impact from day one in organisations.
What are professional skills and why are these important?
Professional skills are specific skills that you generally acquire through workplace experience – for example team-working, communication, negotiation ability.
Employers are looking for finance professionals to add value immediately, so it's important that you acquire these skills alongside having the technical knowledge to perform your role effectively.
How does EPSM support me in passing Strategic Professional exams?
The module helps students to develop the professional skills they need to demonstrate in their Strategic Professional exams. Focusing on real world scenarios, students are required to develop understanding and skills on how to approach the challenges presented. This is very similar to the approach that is required to be successful in Strategic Professional exams.
What benefit is there for existing members to use EPSM?
There are many different reasons why you might want to access EPSM.
As an existing member you may have completed the module before and be looking to refresh your knowledge. Or you may have become an ACCA member before EPSM was introduced and would now like to take advantage of the learning it provides. You may want to study the entire module, or it may be that there are very specific parts of EPSM that you want to review to support your career.
Eligibility FAQs
When should I complete EPSM?
The module supports exam success at Strategic Professional. We therefore recommend students complete the module towards the end of completing their Applied Skills exams and before attempting any Strategic Professional exams.
If I have completed a previous version of the Ethics Module do I still need to complete the EPSM?
No, however EPSM will support learning for Strategic Professional exams so we would still recommend that you complete EPSM if you have any of these exams yet to complete.
Time duration and limit FAQs
How long does EPSM take to complete?
The module takes approximately 20 hours to complete and you are able to access any of the module content again once completed if you wish to refresh your knowledge.
What is the time limit for completing the module?
There is no time limit to complete the module. There is however, a 2 hour time limit in place to complete the final assessment. Members do not have access to the final assessment.
Login/Password FAQs
I am having problems accessing EPSM, what should I do?
This may be a browser issue, please check you are using the latest version of your browser. If this doesn't resolve the issue please contact ACCA Connect and provide as much detail as possible.
This should include the module name, URL, the browser you are using and screenshots (if possible), so we can investigate.
How do I reset my password?
Click on the 'forgotten your password?' link on the myACCA sign in page. You will be emailed a generated link which will allow you to reset your password.
I have forgotten my username and password, what should I do?
Your username will be your myACCA ID. If you have forgotten your username/myACCA ID or password, from the myACCA sign in page, click on the 'forgotten your password' or the 'forgotten your username' link. You will be emailed a generated link which will allow you to reset your password or sent a reminder of your username. If you are still having problems signing in, please visit the help page
Payment FAQs
How much does EPSM cost?
For students and affiliates there is a one off cost for the module, with no resit fees. You can attempt the assessment multiple time and have unlimited access to the rest of the module content. The module is available to existing members free of charge.
To find out the current cost of the module for students and affiliates please visit our pricing page.
What payment methods are currently accepted?
We currently accept payment by credit/debit card only. American Express and Maestro are not accepted.
Can I get a copy of my receipt?
An order confirmation email will be sent upon completion of purchase. This will include details of the transaction and payment details.
How do I get an invoice?
You will receive an order confirmation email to confirm receipt of purchase. Invoices are available upon request after purchase. Please contact ACCA Connect to request an invoice.
How do I redeem a voucher or discount code?
To redeem a voucher or discount code, add the module to your cart, then at the point of purchase enter the code in the voucher/discount code field and click Apply. The voucher/discount code value will be applied to your purchase before payment.
My discount code has expired, can it be extended?
We are not able to extend discount codes, please ensure that you redeem your discount within the specified timeframe as advertised.
I haven't received my booking confirmation email, what should I do?
Please check the email confirmation isn't in your junk/spam folder. You may also need to check the purchase was finalised. If this doesn't resolve the issue please contact ACCA Connect.
Module content FAQs
What’s the structure of EPSM?
For students and affiliates the module has 10 units, with 7 learning units and 3 assessment and support units. The members version has 8 units, as they do not have access to the support for Strategic Professional exams unit (9) nor the final assessment unit (10).
For more information on the syllabus and structure read our EPSM syllabus guide.
I have discovered an issue with the module content what should I do?
If you think there is an issue with the content in the module please contact ACCA Connect and provide as much detail as possible. This should include module name, the URL and screenshots (if possible), so we can investigate
Why is my completion bar not showing 100%, even though I have completed the module?
Just like our exams, we regularly update the module so it contains all the latest ethical, professional and digital skills needed by finance professionals today. This means there may have been new units added to the module since you completed it and received your completion certificate.
Should this be the case your completion bar may fall below 100%, but this does not impact your completion status and it is not compulsory for you to complete any new content added to the module. However, you will be able access this new content should you wish to keep your skills up-to-date.
Assessment and certificate FAQs
Is there an exam I need to complete as part of EPSM?
There are a series of quizes throughout the module and for students and affiliaites the final unit of the module is an assessment which you will need to pass. If you don’t pass first time, you can try again until you are successful - without having to pay any additional fees.
There is no final assessment in the members version of EPSM.
What do you get on completion?
- Students and affiliates will receive a Certificate of achievement and a transcript showing the skills they have demonstrated throughout the module. Members will receive a transcript but no certificate.
- Students and affiliates will have completed one of the three key requirements towards ACCA membership.
- As you work through the module, you will be asked to complete different tasks which you would expect to see in a real-world work scenario. You may wish to save these to present to your employer, or in an interview situation, to demonstrate how you would approach and resolve these real-world scenarios. Students and affiliates may also wish to share them with their PER mentor to demonstrate achievement towards their performance objectives. Sharing your EPSM work in this way does not breach the module regulations.
How do I download my certificate?
Make sure you have completed all elements of the learning to obtain your certificate. Once you have completed all elements, students and affiliates will be able to download their certificate via a download button on the module page. The certificate is not available in the members version of EPSM.
The name on my certificate is wrong, how do I change it?
The name shown on your certificate will be based on the details within your myACCA account.
Please ensure that your name is correct in your myACCA account to prevent any errors with the name which will appear on your certificate. You can contact ACCA Connect and request amendments to your name by providing proof such as your birth certificate, passport or driving licence.
I have an exemption from units 1-3 of EPSM because I have previously completed FIP. Should I review these units?
In units 8 and 10 of EPSM you will be assessed on the topics and skills you have learned in all previous units, including units 1-3. Therefore, before attempting these assessment units you should ensure that you are confident in your knowledge of the learning included in any units which were completed as part of an earlier qualification.
Changes to EPSM after June 2023 FAQs
Regulations and guidelines FAQs
What are the module regulations and guidelines?
Completing EPSM is part of your journey towards becoming an ACCA professional accountant, or developing your skills as an ACCA member. You are therefore expected to act in a professional and ethical manner when completing the module.
As with our exams, by accessing EPSM you are subject to the Ethics module regulations and guidelines, which govern how you are permitted to use the module and its content. Please be aware that:
- your work in relation to EPSM should be your own; and
- sharing any EPSM content (including quiz and final assessment answers) in any way (including on online platforms) is a breach of ACCA's copyright and risks you being involved in disciplinary action.
If I encounter questions in the EPSM quizzes which I don't understand and cannot answer correctly, am I allowed to ask for help?
You are required to work through EPSM independently in order to maximise the learning opportunities which the module presents. However, we do recognise that future members may be unable to progress because of difficulties with a particular quiz.
In these circumstances we would first encourage you to review the learning content which relates to the quiz. If after doing this, you still cannot pass the quiz, or don’t understand particular questions, you should seek support either from a tutor, a colleague, or from ACCA. You should not request for others to provide you with quiz or final assessment answers.
I have previously shared EPSM content online – does this matter?
The Ethics module regulations specifically prohibit the sharing of EPSM content, including quiz/final assessment answers online. If you can, you should remove the content. If you are not able to do so, please let us know where the content is and we will request their removal.
Miscellaneous FAQs
Is the module available on mobile devices?
Some of the module content is accessible via mobile devices, but for a full learning experience we recommend you use a desktop or laptop computer using the latest version of Chrome.
The module content is responsive for different screen sizes (smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops) and should be functional across different operating systems. Whilst we have taken reasonable efforts to make the content mobile responsive, we cannot guarantee it will be fully functional on all devices and operating systems.
It is also designed to work on all up-to-date internet browsers. Module content can be viewed on any device using one of the following browsers:
- Google Chrome (latest version)
- Safari (latest version)
- Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based, latest version)
- Firefox (latest version)
JavaScript must be enabled in browser settings. You should also have a sufficiently fast internet connection and a version of MS Excel that supports the .xlsx format.
How will my data be used?
Data is used as outlined in our Privacy Policy.
What if I have further questions?
Please contact ACCA Connect with details of your enquiry.