Risks and opportunities of blockchain and distributed ledgers

ACCA and EY hosted a panel discussion on the risks and opportunities of blockchain and distributed ledger technology (BDLT), 25 April 2017, Brussels.

ACCA and EY hosted a panel discussion to shed some useful light on the risks and opportunities of BDL, and to stimulate reflection and discussion on these complicated, controversial and fast-moving technologies, seeking to try and understand their potential and limitations.

Event overview

25 April 2017, 11.45-14.30

Press Club, Rue Froissart 95, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

11.45 - Registration and refreshments

12.30 - Welcome speech, Andrew Hobbs, EMEA leader for regulatory policy, EY

12.40 - Key note speech, MEP van Nieuwenhuizen, EP rapporteur on FinTech

12.50 - Panel discussion moderated by Narayanan Vaidyanathan, ACCA

  • Tobias Mackie, Policy coordination financial services, DG FISMA, European Commission
  • Elizabeth Krahulecz, Director - Head of EMEIA Regulatory & Public Policy Brussels Office, presentation of Blockchain, DLT and the Capital Markets Journey: Navigating the Legal and Regulatory Landscape
  • Mathias Bucher, Founder and CEO of Blockchain –Innovation and a teacher at Zurich University
  • Siân Jones, Founder of EDCAB- European Digital Currency & Blockchain Technology Forum

13.55pm - Q&As

14.15pm - Keynote speech Adam Farkas, Executive Director of the European Banking Authority 

14.25pm - Concluding remarks, Narayanan Vaidyanathan, ACCA

14.30pm - End


Watch event  highlights and interviews