Disability resources
ACCA’s open entry policy recognises that candidates will come from a range of different educational backgrounds; access is open in terms of academic background, age, ethnicity, gender, and disability.
ACCA Ireland is committed to supporting all our members in ensuring they are pursuing a career that embraces their diversity. This page lists a series of resources that provide information for members on disability support services, and organisations that offer advice and guidance on disability.
- Citizens Information Board
- EmployAbility Service
- Employee grants
- Inclusion Ireland
- Intreo (Irish Public Employment Services)
- Local Employment Services (LES)
- The Open Doors Initiative
- National Advisory Service for People with Disabilities
- The WAM Programme
- Workplace Relations Commission
- Disability Awareness Support Scheme
- Disability legislation
- The Employee Retention Grant
- Employers for Change - toolkits for employers
- JobsPlus
- Wage Subsidy Scheme for People with Disabilities
- WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool
- ACCA careers
- ACCA career navigator
- The Chartered Certified Accountants' Benevolent Fund
- Lifetime membership (retirement)
- Reduced subscriptions
- Website accessibility

Citizens Information Board
Citizens Information have lists and links to help you to check out all the main services and entitlements for people with disabilities. The focus is on adults with a long-term illness or disability likely to last at least one year.
EmployAbility Service
The EmployAbility Service is a government led employment and recruitment service that helps people who have a disability, an injury, or and an illness to get and to keep a job. They provide a number of supports, including:
- Ongoing support for employers and employees throughout employment
- A professional job-matching service to help ensure successful recruitment
- Advice and information on additional employment supports.
Access to these service providers is through referral.
Employee grants
Job Interview Interpreter Grant
If you are deaf or hard of hearing or have a speech impairment, you can apply for funding to pay for an interpreter to assist you at a job interview you attend.
Personal Reader Grants
If you have a visual impairment or are blind and need help with reading at work, you may be eligible to apply for a grant to allow you to employ a personal reader.
Training Support Grant
The Training Support Grant is designed to fund quick access to short term training or related interventions, obtain or renew certification and permits for individual jobseekers that have identified work opportunities or where Case Officers have identified an immediate skills gap that represents an obstacle to taking up a job offer.
Workplace Equipment Adaption Grant
This grant is designed for people with a disability who've been offered employment or are about to be re-deployed, promoted, or become self-employed.

Inclusion Ireland
Inclusion Ireland is a national organisation working to promote the rights of people with an intellectual disability in Ireland to ensure their full and equal participation in society.

Intreo (Irish Public Employment Services)
Intreo (the Irish Public Employment Services) is a single point of contact for all employment services.
Your local Intreo Centre can provide you with support and advice on:
- job seeking services and skills
- relevant job vacancies
- advice on training opportunities
- disability supports and grants
- income support (your weekly payment).
Intreo also provides a recruitment and job matching service for employers.
Local Employment Services (LES)
The Local Employment (LES) Services are provided by companies working on behalf of Intreo. Your Local Employment (LES) service can provide you with support and advice on:
- job seeking services and skills
- relevant job vacancies
- advice on training opportunities
- disability supports and grants.
Local Employment (LES) Services also provides a recruitment and job matching service for employers.
Find your local LES provider
Visit the Local Employment Services website

The Open Doors Initiative
The Open Doors Initiative provides employability to some of the marginalised members of society, including Refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants, young people under 25 with educational barriers, and people with a disability. The Initiative works with corporates, organisations, the government, and NGOs to create opportunities across Ireland.

National Advisory Service for People with Disabilities
The National Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities (NAS) provides independent, confidential, and free advocacy for people with disabilities.

The WAM Programme
Willing Able Mentoring (WAM) is a work placement programme, run by Ahead, the Association for Higher Education Access and Disability (AHEAD), that aims to promote access to the labour market for graduates with disabilities and build the capacity of employers to integrate disability into the mainstream workplace.
The programme is specifically for graduates and professionals with disabilities, who are looking for work and living in Ireland; please note that applicants do not need to be newly graduated.
Applicants looking to apply for positions need to register their details on the WAM Works database. Once registered applicants will be notified of positions on offer from employers, as well as upcoming events such as interview skills and CV writing workshops.
All placements are paid and range in duration from 6 months to 2 years depending on the needs of the employer. Please note that WAM is not a recruitment agency, that they may not have positions on offer all the time and the number of positions available may sometimes be limited depending upon what their employers can offer.

Workplace Relations Commission
The WRC provide impartial information on employment, equality and equal status legislation.
Employer resources
Disability Awareness Support Scheme
The Disability Awareness Support Scheme provides funding for private sector employers to arrange and pay for disability awareness training for staff who work with a colleague who has a disability.
Disability legislation
The following links contain information on relevant disability legislation:
- Citizens Information Act 2007
- Disability Act 2005
- Education for People with Special Exucation Needs Act 2004
Further information on disability legislation in Ireland, can be found on The National Disability Authority website.
The Employee Retention Grant
The Employee Retention Grant (ERG) is funding that helps employers to explore an ill or impaired employee’s continuing ability to operate as a member of the workforce.

Employers for Change - toolkits for employers
Employers for Change have produced a toolkit which provides information and advice for Employers and Managers when hiring, employing, managing, and retaining staff with disabilities.
JobsPlus is an employer incentive which encourages and rewards employers who employ job seekers on the Live Register. Employers are paid an incentive monthly in arrears over a 2-year period. It provides 2 levels of regular payments, €7,500 and €10,000 respectively.
Wage Subsidy Scheme for People with Disabilities
The Wage Subsidy Scheme gives financial support to employers who employ people with disabilities. The scheme is a workplace support for employers from the Department of Social Protection (DSP).
WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool
WAVE is a suite of evaluation tools that helps authors make their web content more accessible to individuals with disabilities. WAVE can identify many accessibility and Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG) errors, but also facilitates human evaluation of web content.
Resources from ACCA
ACCA careers
ACCA Careers is designed to connect you with organisations across who are committed to working with and providing adjustments for individuals with health conditions and disabilities. Browse accountancy and finance jobs at every level and access careers advice.
ACCA career navigator
Wherever you are on your journey, our career navigator guides your route – explore potential career destinations, acquire new skills, connect with the latest jobs and talent, and grow your people.
The Chartered Certified Accountants' Benevolent Fund
Our Benevolent Fund provides timely and appropriate support to members, past and present, and their dependents who are experiencing severe financial difficulties.
Lifetime membership (retirement)
If you are permanently retired from work or business (full or part time) and you are an ACCA Fellow (FCCA), then you may be eligible to apply for lifetime membership.
Reduced subscriptions
If you earn less than £12,000 per annum, then you may be entitled to a reduction in your member subscription fees.
Website accessibility
We want to make sure our website is accessible to everyone. ACCA are working towards complying with Level AA of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and following the advice given by the Royal National Institute for the Blind. Details on just some of the ways accaglobal.com has been designed to make it more accessible can be found on our Accessibility page.