In addition to our core CBE support resources, we have a range of extra IT resources for session CBEs, which will help you use the word processing and spreadsheet tools.
We recommend you use these resources ahead of taking a session CBE if you are unfamiliar with using spreadsheet or word processing tools, and want to get ready for your exam with some extra practice.
Support resources
Spreadsheet and word processing exercises
Use these worked through exercises in conjunction with the blank workspaces in the ACCA Practice Platform, to become familiar with the functionality of the word processing and spreadsheet tools within the exam.
Please note we are in the process of updating some of the terminology in these exercises, but the content remains relevant.
Access the word processing exercise
Access the spreadsheet exercise
You can access the Practice Platform below - please navigate to the Catalogue where you will find blank workspaces listed under each exam. Remember you will need to enter your myACCA credentials if you're not already logged in.
ACCA-X to support your spreadsheet skills
If you want to start back from the basics, you can access the ACCA-X MA1 – Introduction to Management Accounting course for FREE.
It provides a recap of the key features, functionality and formula that can help you with the spreadsheet tool in your exam and section 5 of this course is all about spreadsheets. Access now.
Video support
Watch this series of short videos to learn about the functionality within the word processing and spreadsheet tools, which you can use to save you time and better structure your answers within the exam.
Once you are more comfortable with the spreadsheet functionality, watch these two videos where expert tutors work through a question from the Advanced Financial Management exam. These examples demonstrate how to use the spreadsheet functionality effectively, helping you to save time in the exam.
Typing Guidance
You don't have to be a fast typist or computer expert to pass session CBEs, but being familiar and comfortable with using a keyboard may give you added confidence in typing your answers to narrative questions.
Get as much practice in using these during your studies, using the specimen exams, and the constructed response workspace, where you can answer the questions using the same functionality as in the live exams. We've also produced a step by step exercise to lead you through the main skills you'll need in typing answers to narrative questions.
If you have little or no experience of using a keyboard, there are lots of free online resources which you may find useful. We have listed one of these resource below.
Remember, our markers like concise and to the point answers. To get an indication of how much typing is involved in the exam, you can refer to the suggested solutions within the specimen exams.
*Gain confidence with a keyboard resource.
*ACCA has not in any way been involved in the development or production of this website.