Career profiles.

What do accountants do?

Because ACCA accountants are properly grounded in all areas of business and finance including reporting, taxation and audit, our members are forward-thinking “business ready” finance professionals who are valued by employers, and enjoy a wealth of career opportunities. In the videos below, some of our members share their journeys so far, and explain what ACCA membership means to them.

Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers

ACCA member Leighton McKnight talks about his role as a partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Jamaica, one of the Big Four accountancy firms and why, out of all the accountancy qualifications you could choose to study, you should choose ACCA.

Forensic accounting senior, BDO LLP

ACCA member Zoe Manwaring talks about her role as forensic accounting senior at BDO LLP. Find out what Zoe's work involves, what she likes best about her role, and the opportunities being an ACCA member offers.

Partner, Deloitte and Touche

Member of ACCA Betty Brathwaite talks about working as a partner at Deloitte and Touche Barbados, and her ACCA Qualification.