Register trainees to study with ACCA.

Get your trainees to register as a student

Only registered ACCA students can sit exams. 

Please note that you cannot register trainees yourself. Your trainees will need to register themselves.

Ways to register

Your trainees can register online.

The registration process is completed when they have submitted the required documentary evidence (proof of identity and of educational attainment) and have paid the registration fee.

Claiming exemptions

Trainees can use our Exemptions calculator to find out what exemptions may be available to them from our exams.

We need to ensure that the prior learning matches what is required for the ACCA Qualification.  This means employers know that ACCA members have the skills and knowledge needed to succeed, wherever they started on their learning journey. Therefore exemptions are only confirmed on receipt of evidence of achievement.

We advise trainees to enrol on a course of study after their exemptions have been confirmed by us.