Plan for exams
We offer four exam sessions a year – in March, June, September or December – in over 400 centres across the world. Depending on what exam you’re taking and where you are based, your exam may be available as an on-demand computer based exam (CBE) – meaning you can take it anytime.
Book exams
When you’ve decided when and how you’d like to take your exams, we have an online booking system which makes the process straightforward. Make sure you book by the deadline for the exam you want to take.
Prepare for exams
We offer a huge number of resources to help you prepare. They include syllabus and study guides, a study planning and exam preparation app, interviews with examiners, past papers, videos and in-depth analysis of previous exams. You can find these resources online, or through your nearest ACCA office. We've also published articles on different exam preparation strategies for you to try and discover what works best for you.