If you believe that we have not applied our procedures properly when you receive your exam result, you can appeal to the Examinations Appeals Committee.
To appeal:
Email your request to: AR-MCappeals@accaglobal.com
Appeal fee: £30.
To view the mitigating circumstances submission appeal deadline dates for upcoming sessions, visit the important dates section.
When we receive your appeal request, the relevant fee will be raised on your account. You must pay this by the appeal submission deadline.
Once you have paid the fee, we will send you an appeal acknowledgement email. This email will:
- confirm that your appeal has been registered
- advise you of the date that you will receive the outcome of your appeal.
Your request to appeal will then be forwarded to the committee for consideration.
The committee meets once per exam session. Therefore we are unable to consider any appeals made after the submission deadline, or provide you with the outcome any earlier than the date given in your acknowledgement email.
The appeals process is not a re-consideration of your circumstances. The Committee will undertake independent checks to confirm all stages of the mitigating circumstances process were undertaken and the correct mark was in fact issued to you. You will not receive any detail on the consideration given, such as awarded marks. Additional documentation or information on your circumstances cannot be submitted at this time.