
The companies you outsource to may not be cyber secure and criminals can get to you through them - how can you be cyber secure when you outsource? You can outsource control but you cannot outsource risk.

To have assurance over your suppliers, you will need to set audit requirements. If those audit requirements are not met by the suppliers own auditors then you must ensure that you have audit rights in your contacts with your suppliers.

This webinar will consider the risks involved with outsourcing, and possible mitigating measures.


Jay Abbott

Jay Abbott is the Founder and Managing Director of Advanced Security Consulting Limited (JustASC). Advanced Security Consulting is part of the Falanx Group of Companies and is a specialist security services organisation offering consulting, managed services, penetration testing & training, focused on improving their client’s ability to manage the cyber threat landscape.

Jay has over 20 years of industry experience in technology and security. He is a respected keynote speaker who is regularly quoted in the press and a trusted industry expert.