STARS International University and ACCA launch unique dual degree programme  

First embedded Bachelor programme partnership in Central Asia set to launch in September 2024 

Leading global accountancy body ACCA and STARS International University – the most internationally accredited national university in Uzbekistan – have formed a unique dual degree programme. 

Under the programme students will be able to obtain an ACCA qualification alongside their bachelor’s degree. 

Bahram Gurbanov, Rector of STARS University said: ‘The launch of the dual degree programme with ACCA is a landmark event that will be a turning point in the field of education in Uzbekistan. This achievement is the result of hard work and a commitment to innovation, and I am confident that it will open new horizons for our students. 

‘Together with ACCA, we are creating unique opportunities that will allow our graduates to be competitive on a global level and build a successful future. This step confirms our commitment to excellence and demonstrates that the boundaries of what is possible expand when we unite our efforts to achieve a common goal.’ 

The programme is designed to give students a competitive edge from the start. Students will receive both a bachelor’s degree and an ACCA Advanced Diploma in Finance and Business simultaneously reducing the time needed to achieve these credentials. 

Zhanna Iskenova, Head of ACCA Central Asia, said: ‘This is an exciting strategic initiative for ACCA which marks a global precedent for us which we hope will ensure further growth in Uzbekistan. 

‘STARS University is the first institution to offer this programme in the state language, Uzbek. Students studying in Uzbek receive exemptions from nine core ACCA subjects integrated into our curriculum. They only need to pass two subjects – Financial Reporting and Audit and Assurance either in English or Russian to earn the ACCA diploma.’ 

STARS University and ACCA say the collaboration will enhance the professionalism and global competitiveness of the students opening numerous international opportunities for them positively impacting their skills, career progression and employability. 

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About ACCA

We are ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), a globally recognised professional accountancy body providing qualifications and advancing standards in accountancy worldwide.  

Founded in 1904 to widen access to the accountancy profession, we’ve long championed inclusion and today proudly support a diverse community of over 252,500 members and 526,000 future members in 180 countries.   

Our forward-looking qualifications, continuous learning and insights are respected and valued by employers in every sector. They equip individuals with the business and finance expertise and ethical judgment to create, protect, and report the sustainable value delivered by organisations and economies.  

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Guided by our purpose and values, our ambition is to lead the accountancy profession for a changed world. Partnering with policymakers, standard setters, the donor community, educators and other accountancy bodies, we’re strengthening and building a profession that drives a sustainable future for all. 

About STARS International University 

STARS International University is a leading university offering top-tier higher education, global qualifications, and international exams. As a preferred partner and member of numerous esteemed global associations, federations, and institutions, STARS stand out for its unparalleled quality and commitment to excellence. Located in Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, STARS is the fastest-growing university in Central Asia. 

Guided by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 24, 2020 No. PD-4611 “On additional measures for the transition to international financial reporting standards,” the internationally recognized UK financial qualification provided by ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) was introduced into the undergraduate curriculum. The faculty is managed in accordance with the above regulations and state requirements for higher education, and the undergraduate program “Global Business Technologies and Finance” with a unique state classifier has received ACCA accreditation with 9 exam exemptions and fully complies with ACCA teaching standards.

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