Assertions of dual compliance in relation to auditing and ethical standards, enhanced description of the auditor responsibilities, information other than the financial statements, changes to the presentation/format of the report and additional description on the first year adoption of MPERS
Assertions of dual compliance in relation to auditing standards and regulatory requirements, enhanced description of auditor opinion, information other than the financial statements, changes to the presentation/format of the report and additional description on the first year adoption of MFRS by private entities
Assertions of dual compliance in relation to auditing and ethical standards, enhanced description of the auditor responsibilities, information other than the financial statements, changes to the presentation/format of the report and additional description on the first year adoption of MFRS by private entities
Assertions of dual compliance in relation to auditing standards and regulatory requirements, enhanced description of auditor opinion, information other than the financial statements, changes to the presentation/format of the report and additional description on the first year adoption of MPERS