• Non-accountants vie for ESG clients

    Accountants may claim expertise but non-professionals are growing their share of the sustainability assurance market

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  • Climate disclosures could fall short

    ACCA finds that most companies will struggle to comply with the proposed standard

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  • The ESG opportunity for practitioners

    Those clients who aren't already crying out for ESG advisory services soon will be. It's time to make the case

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  • Time to push for a circular economy

    With excessive consumption destroying sustainability gains, we urgently need to re-evaluate how we live and value things

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  • Bringing about sustainable solutions

    Akindele Phillips ACCA is helping to solve Nigeria’s food problem, caused in part by natural resource degradation

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  • Cut out the greenwash

    Accountants are being asked to provide better assurance around claims that investment strategies and products are sustainable and ethical

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  • Accountants fighting climate change

    Six Capitals author Jane Gleeson-White and Bruce Gilkison CA say accountants can be at the forefront of environmental action

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  • Enter the chief value officer

    For Africa and the EU to make real progress on sustainable development, new approaches are needed, including evolving the role of a CVO

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  • Committing to sustainable finance

    Climate goals will not be met without the buy-in from global stakeholders and private capital finance

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  • Rise to the net-zero challenge

    How climate-literate accountants can help businesses make the low-carbon transition

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