Yes there is a specimen paper which gives an example of the exam including the longer type questions where applicable. In addition there is an additional set of specimen longer type questions for candidates to get additional practice on these questions. Interactive practice tests are available for all Foundations level exams available via on-demand assessment. Each exam has a set of three practice tests that prospective candidates can purchase singly or as a complete set. These tests replicate a live exam experience and contain the types of questions that candidates might be given at a real exam.
Not only do these tests provide a valuable experience of how to experience or navigate through such exams, they also score candidates’ performance in each main section of the syllabus, using a traffic light system to present this interactively. In addition, the questions that the candidate has got correct, partially correct and incorrect are identified for each main syllabus section. Finally feedback on each question in the paper is given so that candidates can see where they have gone wrong and which can be used as a valuable revision tool. Access to the practice tests and information on how to purchase them is on the ACCA website.