Top five research reports 2018
2018 marked the 75th anniversary of ACCA's report publishing history. Back in 1947 we published just one report. In 2018 that number has grown to 24. Let's take a look at the top five in a little detail.
The top five reports represent the five top report downloads on the ACCA Insights App for 2018. Our app is the perfect way to stay on top of all our thought leadership. It's completely free and we often post extra content such as quizzes and videos you won’t find anywhere else.
1. Business models of the future: systems, convergence and characteristics
This report explores what lies behind business model innovation. It discusses a number of the key trends that are shaping the global economy that demand new approaches from organisations as they rethink their business models.
The report examines 12 common characteristics that are being combined in multiple ways by organisations as they reappraise their business models.
2. Learning for the future
Learning for the future brings together discussions from roundtables and interviews conducted in 2018 of ACCA members, affiliates and students across the globe, plus survey results of this audience on their views of learning in the workplace.
The report concludes that the successful accountant of the future is one who recognises the need to develop their skills on continuously. They take responsibility for their own development but accept that while they need to keep technically proficient, they also need to ensure that they have the softer skills needed to provide the required service.
3. Tenets of good corporate governance
This report forms part of the ACCA tenet series on various aspects of the profession including tax and audit quality. Tenets of good corporate governance, sets out key issues for companies to think about when considering their long term business model and strategy. It examines the interrelation between businesses and the context in which they operate, encouraging them to embrace good practice that facilitates long term growth.
4. Global Economic Confidence Survey (GECS) Q3 2018
We publish the GECS report every quarter jointly with the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA). The Quarter 3 report for 2018 revealed a further dip in global economic confidence, taking it to the lowest point since Q1 2016. This report also reflects on the 10 years since the financial crisis and walks through the individual results for China, US, Europe, Asia and the Middle East and Africa.
5. Key audit matters: unlocking the secrets of audit
This report reviews the first year implementation of the IAASB's revised auditor reporting standards. It finds that these standards not only provide better information for investors, but also encourage improvements throughout the financial reporting chain.