Students' FAQs on transfer to membership.

How do I apply to become a member of ACCA?

We will invite you to transfer to membership as soon as your records indicate that you are ready.

This will be as soon as you’ve completed:

  • your exams 
  • the Ethics and Professional Skills module 
  • the practical experience requirement by: 
    • achieving 36 months' in a relevant accountancy or finance role
    • completing the required nine performance objectives or claiming the Approved Employer performance objective exemption
    • getting all of your experience signed off by your practical experience supervisor.

Please keep your contact details up to date so that we can get in touch as soon as you are ready to transfer to membership.

If you think that you are ready now, you can still apply for membership by downloading and submitting the application form (please see the Related documents section at the bottom of this page) - you do not have to wait to receive an invitation from us.

Alternatively, you may wish to apply for ACCA membership online via your myACCA account.


How long will it take to process my application?

You will be transferred to membership approximately 12 working days after we receive confirmation of your acceptance - subject to the next available membership committee meeting.
Membership applications are normally processed within four weeks of receipt. We will contact you during this period should we require any further information. 

To quality assure the practical experience requirement (PER) process and protect the integrity of the ACCA Qualification, we carry out PER audits. You will be notified if you are selected for a PER audit as this may result in your transfer to membership being delayed. We would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation on this.

Has ACCA formed mutual recognition agreements with any other accountancy bodies?

Yes. We have formed mutual recognition agreements with several bodies including The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA), The Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA) and the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA).

Find out more about mutual recognition agreements

Where can I check the progress of my membership application?

Log into myACCA and click on the 'Track the progress of your application' link.

When will I receive confirmation that my membership application has been successful?

Successful applications are reported to ACCA's committee members once a fortnight. Following this meeting, you will be sent a series of emails congratulating you on your success and providing you with information on how to make the most of your ACCA membership.

When will I receive my ACCA membership certificate?

When you become an ACCA member an official membership certificate will be signed and sealed at our monthly council meeting. This certificate bears the ACCA seal and is an official document which confirms your amazing achievement of reaching that Chartered Certified Accountant status.

Find out more about membership certificates

When will I achieve fellowship status?

Members will be awarded fellowship after five-years' continuous membership and full participation in continuing professional development. Fellows are entitled to use the letters FCCA after their names. Certificates are prepared and dispatched automatically to members; a formal application is unnecessary.