Positive Revenue and Profit Growth Trends.
Overall, respondents are highly positive on projected business performance for 2020, and they expect this growth momentum to be sustained over the medium term. About 4 out of 5 respondents (83%) respondents are forecasting increased revenue for 2020, of whom 48% expect growth of 5% or more. In terms of profit outlook for 2020, 86% of respondents expect it to be positive with about half of them anticipating profit growth of 5% or more.
Driven by Domestic Factors.
The survey indicated that domestic drivers – both positive and negative – have the most impact on Malaysian businesses. Malaysia’s economic growth and confidence in government policies to stimulate growth were seen as the top positive drivers, while rising cost of living and low wage growth, and uncertainties caused by government policies were seen as the top negative drivers going forward.
ASEAN – A Potential not to be Missed.
Only 41% of respondents have plans to invest in an ASEAN market over the next 3 years. This increases slightly to 52% if only respondents from public listed companies (PLCs) are taken into consideration.
Addressing Regulatory Changes and Compliance.
Regulatory changes and compliance concerns were repeatedly called out as the leading challenge for organisations, signalling a need for policy-makers to address the design, communication and implementation of policies going forward.
Leading Digital Transformation, Future-proofing Talent.
The survey findings provide invaluable insights on the level of digital and technology investment in Malaysia, even as the Government pushes harder for enterprise and corporate digital transformation. A quarter of respondents reported that their organisations are allocating more than 10% of their budget on technology spending and digital transformation over the next 3 years. Interestingly, despite these technology adoption plans, 70% of respondents have either no plans to reduce headcount or in fact plan to increase headcount over the next 3 years. Importantly, 60% of respondents have plans to evolve and improve existing employees’ digital skills and competencies.