Financial management and business success – a guide for entrepreneurs

Financial management is at the heart of running a successful business. It affects every aspect, from managing cash flow and tracking business performance to developing plans that ensure that business owners can make the most of opportunities. This guide is designed to help small businesses understand the importance of financial literacy and to guide them through the basic elements.


Unlike other financial literacy guides, this ACCA guide stresses the importance of business planning and the role it plays at every stage in the life of a business.

The guide adopts 'the plan first approach' looking at what entrepreneurs are trying to do with their business first and linking this directly to the financial knowledge they need. 

Complemented with quotes from members of ACCA Global Forum for SMEs, this guide is ideal for anyone starting their own business, new to financial management or seeking to improve their business..

SME event July 2016

ACCA, Barclays & UEAPME held a special roundtable event on 13 July 2016 in Brussels to discuss private capital and SMEs, and how this can support the European Commission's commitment to move towards a Capital Markets Union. You can watch the highlights from this event below and read a summary of the key discussions and conclusions in the report.