Innovation, intangibles and integrated reporting: a pilot study of Malaysian SMEs.

This report presents the results of a pilot project, which tests the relevance of the Malaysian National Corporate Innovation Index to small and medium-sized enterprises.


By applying asset measurement techniques to a sample of SMEs, insights were obtained into the issues likely to be faced by the sector in identifying investment and return on innovation, taking into account the considerable overlap between the NCII framework and the areas that need to be quantified and understood for the purposes of Integrated Reporting.

The report identifies gaps in awareness levels of the extent and importance of knowledge-based assets among accounting professionals and their SME clients. It lends weight to the view that conventional management reporting systems are not ideally suited to knowledge-centred business models, nor to the information needs of sophisticated investors.

This report was launched at the 2015 ACCA Alternative Finance Conference in London. Read more and watch presentations from the conference