The child benefit charge on ‘high income’ families is now part of our legislation. It appears as Schedule 1 to the Finance Act 2012. It comes into effect for 2012/13, but only applies from 7 January, 2013. A taxpayer (T) is liable to the charge if either T or T’s partner has adjusted net income (ANI) in excess of £50,000 and either is entitled to child benefit.
The charge is the ‘appropriate percentage’ of the total child benefit received by both in the fiscal year. Where the adjusted net income is £60,000, the appropriate percentage is 100%.
Taxpayers are partners if:
- they are married to each other or are civil partners and are not separated under a court order or in circumstances where the separation is likely to be permanent; or
- they are living together.
As the charge is by reference to weeks, it will apply only to those weeks of a fiscal year for which a partnership exists. If the partnerships beaks up, the higher income partner will only be liable from 6 April until the week the partnership breaks up.
If child benefit is being paid, and a couple start living together, the charge will arise from the time the couple live together.
There is an exemption if one partner had previously claimed child benefit in the basis that they were living with the child and after a period of less than 52 weeks, resumed the claim on the same basis. This would occur when a parent moves away temporarily for work purposes and leaves the child with a family member until they return.
Adjusted net income is income net of deductions such as pension contributions, gift aid, trading losses, etc.
The formula in the Finance Act 2012 schedule 1, chapter 8, section 381c states:
The amount of the charge
(1) The amount of the high income child benefit charge to which a person (“P”) is liable for a tax year is the appropriate percentage of the total of—
(a) any amounts in relation to which condition A is met, and
(b) any amounts in relation to which condition B is met.
For conditions A and B, see section 681B.
(2) “The appropriate percentage” is—
(a) 100%, or
(b) if less, the percentage determined by the formula—
ANI - L%
- ANI is P’s adjusted net income for the tax year;
- L is £50,000;
(3) If—
(a) the total of the amounts mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (1), or the amount of the charge determined under that subsection, is not a whole number of pounds, or
(b) the percentage determined under subsection (2)(b) is not a whole number,
it is to be rounded down to the nearest whole number.