Planning your route.

One of the main advantages of the ACCA qualification is its flexibility, but we know that this can sometimes be a challenge as there is no single pathway to membership. Our pathways videos will help you design a strategy that maximises your chance of success and then use our Compass planning tool to map out your study plans for the next 12 months.

ACCA Pathways videos

Our pathways videos help you understand your best route through the qualification. The introduction video will help to set the scene and then we have a short informative video for each of the three stages of the ACCA Qualification. These videos will give you all the information that you can flex to your personal circumstances to give you the best chance of success.

Start your journey

Plan your route to success

Compass planner

You're much more likely to meet your goals if you plan a realistic exam schedule. 

Our new Compass planning tool helps you visualise your study year and take a snapshot of the likely planning, learning and final revision time required to succesfully attempt the exams.

Select the exams you plan to sit over the next 12 months, set a study duration and we’ll map out the recommended planning, learning and revision stages for you.

You can mark past exams as complete, and plot time to sit EPSM, so you have full view of your ACCA journey. Then take a snapshot to save or share.  

The tool is designed to help you plan at a high level, and should be used in combination with detailed information on progression rules and exam methods.

The default study period for each exam is set at 12 weeks. This is based on studying one exam per quarter and starting studies the week after the previous exam session. This study period is configurable to suit your own study pathway.

Once you've set your high-level plan and are booked for an exam session, use Compass as a detailed planner to keep track of you daily study tasks.