Resubmitting your RAP.

The opportunity to complete the BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting will close in May 2026.

Guidance on resubmission

Oxford Brookes have produced a guide to help students who have failed their Research and Analysis Project and are re-submitting. This can be downloaded from Related Documents, and should be read in conjunction with the BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting Research and Analysis Project Information pack also found in the Related Documents section.

When re-submitting your Research and Analysis Project you should include a statement of 500 words explaining how you have addressed the feedback provided by the marker and moderator and where you have made changes. A resubmission statement form is available in the Related Documents section of this page for you to complete and file at the front of your Research and Analysis Project before resubmission.

Resubmission rules

Please see the Resubmission Guide for the rules relating to resubmission.

Resubmission supporting documents

The resubmission guide and statement documents can be downloaded from the 'Related documents' section of this page.