My Exam Performance: Tips and advice.

My Exam Performance is a support tool which will help you understand your exam strengths and weaknesses and provide guidance that will allow you to improve on your future exam performance.

What's included in My Exam Performance?

You’ll be able to access exam performance feedback for any non-variant Applied Skills exam you've taken from the September 2022 session onwards. This will be split across four sections in the My Exam Performance dashboard.

SyllabusFeedback showing you how you have performed across the different areas of the syllabus. Take time to read the guidance which signposts different support resources depending on your performance.
Time managementFeedback giving you insight into whether you managed your time effectively. This is an area many students need to practise.
Objective test skillsPerformance feedback for each objective test skills assessed.
Constructed responsePerformance feedback for each constructed response question in your exam.

How to get the best from your exam feedback

Reflecting on your performance is an important activity whether you've passed or failed an exam.

If you passed your exam

think about about how you prepared and build on this for the next session. There will still likely be areas where you'll have scope to improve and improved exam technique now will help you at later stages of the qualification.

If you failed your exam

you can reflect on where you can make improvements and then use the My Exam Performance feedback to come up with a plan to enhance your chances of passing your resit. 

Quick tips to help you with your feedback:  

Take your time to read through your exam feedback and consider what it means, coming back to it again if you need to.

Refer to the latest examiner report for detail on how students are performing more widely, so that you can understand your exam performance in context.

Consider sharing your feedback with a tutor / employer / mentor / peer / colleague. Discussing feedback can help your reflection process and may help you identify next steps, whether retaking or moving on to your next exam.

Take note of the specific resources that are signposted to you throughout the feedback and make sure you visit them. These recommendations have been made to suit your individual circumstance, and analysis shows us that students who engage with resources such as the Practice Platform perform better in their exams.

Understanding your exam feedback

Our exams are delivered at different times around the world. To guarantee the highest levels of security and integrity of our exams, students may receive different exam questions.

Ensuring a fair and reliable result

We have stringent quality assurance processes to ensure that all exams offered are fair, and use psychometric techniques to analyse results and ensure their reliability, meaning that even where students have different questions, we are confident that all exams are fair and balanced. Rounding can occur for the percentage marks for each section to the nearest whole percentage.

How this impacts your exam feedback

Adjustments may result in a question or section-level mark appearing as a fraction/non-integer.  It also explains why:

  • If you convert your percentage OT score you may get a number that does not divide by 2.
  • If you convert your percentage CR score into a mark you may get a fraction of a mark (eg. 12.2).
  • If you convert your section score into a mark you may get a fraction of a mark.