Students' FAQs on exam attendance dockets .

When and where will I be able to download my Exam Attendance Docket?

Exam dockets are available to download now via the link on the right hand side and via your myACCA account.

What information is included on my Exam Attendance Docket?

Your exam docket includes

Please note that you can only attend the exam centre and attempt the exams that are on your exam docket.

What is my Exam Attendance Docket used for?

Your docket is used to confirm your entry to the examination and to record your attendance at the exam.  It will  be retained by the centre supervisor after your last exam in the session.

Do I need to bring any other documents to the exam?

In addition to your exam docket, please bring with you photographic identification, such as a passport, driving licence or national identity card.  These will be checked during the exam to verify your identity.  Unfortunately, if you are unable to prove your identity your candidate answer booklet may not be marked.

If my name on myACCA account is different (nickname/English name) to that on my ID, will this affect me?

The name you have registered on your myACCA account should match that indicated on your official identification. In such cases, the photograph on your official ID could be used to help verify your identity. It would, however, be advisable to update your student record for future sessions.

If you need to change your name through deed poll, marriage or decree nisi, you will need this to process your change of name. The quickest and easiest way is to go to selecting change of name on the menu.

What happens if I forget to bring my docket?

If you forget your docket on the day of your exam, you will be issued a new one by staff at the exam centre.

What happens to my Docket after my exam?

The docket will be collected by the supervisor during the exam to record your attendance. If you have any other exams during the session, the docket will be returned to you. If it is your last exam of the session, the docket will be retained for our records.

What do I do if my docket is not returned to me and I still have exams to sit?

If a docket is not returned and you still require it to sit other exams then you can download another copy via your myACCA account.

If you’re unable to download another docket, it will be provided at the exam centre before your next exam. Please arrive at the centre early and ask to speak to the supervisor who will arrange for a replacement to issued.