Financing futures: a quick overview .

In this video, Manos Schizas, senior economic analyst at ACCA, discusses the Financing Futures project – a groundbreaking study of how small businesses might be financed in the far future. It draws on a number of workshops around the world and various strands of ACCA’s research so far.

The study builds on scenario analysis by SAMI Consulting, developed for the report In Safe Hands, a study into the future of financial services. Financing Futures complements these insights with expert views from emerging economies, to better reflect the experiences and concerns of ACCA’s global membership.

Financing futures: a quick overview

An in-depth presentation of the four scenarios developed by SAMI consulting for In Safe Hands is available.

Also highly related is a presentation by Ian Dowson FCCA, principal at William Garrity Associates, where he discusses his research into the emerging business models, focusing on the role of the UK’s challenger banks.

For more information, visit the 'Related documents' section on this page.