
I understand that when transferring to membership, I could become liable to disciplinary action for events which engage ACCA Bye-law 8, liability to disciplinary action, which occurred before or after I transfer (read Notes section below now).

I confirm I have now read the Notes section below and:

  • I understand that if I fail to declare an event which may engage Bye-law 8, or if I provide any false or misleading statement in this form, I may face disciplinary action which may involve an allegation of dishonest conduct, and may also invalidate any decision reached in this application; 
  • I understand while I am a member of ACCA I will notify ACCA about any event which may engage Bye-law 8; 
  • I agree to comply with ACCA’s Charter, Bye-laws, Regulations and Code of Ethics and Conduct;
  • I have not been subject to any criminal conviction and/or caution;
  • I have not been disciplined by any professional body and/or regulator;
  • I have not been subject to any other matters which may engage Bye-law 8 that have not already been brought to the attention of ACCA’s Assessment or Investigations Department in writing;
  • I understand that the UK Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 does not apply to the accountancy profession and that I am required to disclose any convictions and/or cautions, that are not “protected” as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 (as amended in 2013). The amendments to the Exceptions Order 1975 (2013) provide that certain spent convictions and cautions are ‘protected’ and are not subject to disclosure;
  • I understand that any matters which I have disclosed to ACCA which engage Bye-law 8 will be taken into account when dealing with my application, but that the matters may not automatically stop me transferring to membership;
  • I confirm and declare I have included everything ACCA needs to know, and there is nothing else I should bring to ACCA’s attention at the present time.

I further undertake that I will only use the designation 'Chartered Certified Accountant' and the designatory letters 'ACCA' (or 'FCCA' when I become a fellow) only while I remain a member of ACCA. I understand that if I engage in any public practice activities or hold myself out to do so (as defined by the Chartered Certified Accountants Global Practicing Regulations 3 and 4), as a director, partner, LLP member or principal in an accountancy practice, I will need to hold an ACCA practising certificate or arrange to be placed on ACCA's register of practitioners.

I understand that ACCA’s definition of public practice extends beyond audit to incorporate all types of work generally associated with an accountancy practice, such as producing accounts, tax returns, but excluding book-keeping services, and requires me to hold an ACCA practicing certificate. I confirm that I have read, understood and checked my position against the factsheet: Am I in public practice?

I acknowledge my duty to the public to ensure that the quality of my knowledge and service is maintained after qualification. I therefore accept my responsibility to undertake adequate continuing professional development as directed by Council and specified in the Chartered Certified Accountants’ Membership Regulations.

I agree to pay the membership admission fee (246GBP in 2019) and understand that I will be invoiced for this amount on successful conversion to ACCA membership. I am aware that a failure to pay sums due to ACCA may lead to removal from the register of members.

Notes: ACCA Bye-law 8 sets out the details of the events which could lead to disciplinary action.  These events include (but are not limited to) the following: Incompetence in carrying out work; breach of ACCA Byelaws or Regulations, disciplinary actions against you by another awarding body or regulatory body; entering a voluntary arrangement, administration, liquidation or insolvency. insolvency; failure to satisfy a judgment debt without reasonable excuse within two months; criminal conviction and/or caution; civil finding of acting fraudulently or dishonestly as a party or witness in civil proceedings; misconduct – this includes (but is not limited to) any act, or failure to act, that is likely to discredit you, relevant firm, ACCA or the accountancy profession. The following events are conclusive proof of misconduct and of the facts and matters found: a copy of the certificate or memorandum of conviction or caution, and of any final judgment, ruling or determination given in criminal proceedings; a copy of a certified judgment in civil proceedings.  Please note that hearings of ACCA's Disciplinary Committee shall be open to the public and all orders and findings shall be publicised unless the Committee determines otherwise.